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2024 Iowa Prairie Conference

Prairies- Resilient Lands for the Future!

Aug 16-18, 2024 | Iowa Lakeside Lab
Iowa Lakeside Lab, Milford, IA

Conference Registration

Conference Agenda

The 2024 Iowa Prairie Conference (IPC) will be held August 16 through 18, 2024 at the Iowa Lakeside Laboratory, Regents Resource Center, 1838 Highway 86, Milford, Iowa. The IPC is a bi-annual conference and has been held for over twenty years at various locations around Iowa.  The 2024 IPC will be held on Lakeside’s 147-acre campus located on scenic West Okoboji Lake on Little Millers Bay. A keynote address about Cayler State Preserve will be given by DNR Ecologist John Pearson.  Topics for additional education sessions include prairie fens, prairie and soil restoration, area archeology, prescribed burn cooperatives, and an update on the farm bill and Iowa Nature Summit.  A Friday afternoon visit to area Prairie Strips will be held prior to event registration.  Attendees will have an opportunity to participate in guided hikes/outings that showcase special and unique area fens, wetlands and prairie remnants.  Saturday evening outings include a Queen II excursion to learn about restoration of shoreline, a visit to Excelsior Fen/Dugout Creek Complex and Freda Haffner Kettlehole.  Sunday outings include a birding adventure, musings by Connie Mutel author and prairie enthusiast on Iowa’s Fragile Giants and Fragile Landscapes, a visit to The Prairie Flower (area native seed dealer), an Oak Savanna restoration, Kirchner Prairie and a hike at Cayler Prairie.

Poster display

Want to make your voice heard at the Iowa Prairie Conference??  Consider presenting a poster to tell the world about your research or other project related to prairies in a relaxed, informal event.  The poster session will be held Friday evening, August 16, 2024, at the Iowa Prairie Conference at the Iowa Lakeside Laboratory near Milford, Iowa.  If you are interested in presenting or want more information, email Russ Benedict, at by June 30, 2024. Individuals selected to display a poster will be given free registration! 

Scholarships to qualifying students

Grants for students to attend the Iowa Prairie Conference will cover registration, meals, lodging, and a travel stipend. Applications are due by June 1st, 2024. Successful grant applicants will be notified via email. Applicants must meet the qualifications outlined here and fill out the application form and email it to .

The Lakeside Lab has some rooms/dorms available – reserve by contacting:  712-337-3669 Ext 5.

Area hotels can be found at this link:

Questions–contact Iowa Prairie Network

Updates also on Facebook:

In-person and Virtual Registration
Iowa Prairie Conference Scholarship
2024 IPC Facebook page
Recording of Presentations:

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